10 Habits That Damage Your Brain (and one that helps it!)

10 Habits That Damage Your Brain (and one that helps it!)

Robert Frost once quipped that:

“The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.”

And while Robert of course meant it as a joke, he was right about one thing — the brain is a wonderful organ. It’s one of the most complicated objects known to man, with 86 billion neurons and hundreds of billions of nerve fibers.

However, despite the delicate and complex nature of our brains, we often don’t do much to make sure it’s functioning properly, or to make sure we’re setting it up for long term health. In fact, you may have some habits that, left unchecked, could have serious consequences. These habits could actually damage your cognitive ability and increase your chances of developing complications like Alzheimer’s or dementia later in life.

So, if you’re wondering whether you’re setting your brain up for a long, healthy life, here are ten habits that might be causing your wonderful organ harm – and one habit that might actually be doing it quite a bit of good:

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9 Things You Can Do to Change Your Life in 2022

9 Things You Can Do to Change Your Life

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you didn’t falter on your goals? Imagine checking all the boxes off your to-do list, reading a book a week, maintaining your work-life balance, and leading a healthy life. Dreamy, isn’t it?

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear explains that it is possible, but maybe not the way you imagine. He writes that:

Success is the product of daily habits — not-once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”

According to James, building habits is a never ending process. It is not about the end-goal, but about the journey leading to it.

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10 Strategies to Help You Eliminate Your Procrastination Habit

10 Strategies to Help You Eliminate Your Procrastination Habit

Are you a chronic procrastinator? Do you often have thoughts like “Oh, it’ll be fine if I save this for tomorrow” or “That’s so far away, I don’t have to worry about it yet”?

If you find yourself procrastinating regularly, you’re probably stuck in a habit of procrastination. Eliminating your procrastination will mean eliminating your habit. But completely eliminating a habit is a difficult thing to do. Instead, it’s much easier to replace an existing habit with a new one. 

Of course, the best way to do this is to replace your procrastination habit with a “get things done!” habit. That way, everytime you would have gone to procrastinate, you now do something else instead – your work!

Here are a few different strategies you can use to replace the procrastination habit with a “get things done” habit and finally kick the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. 

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10 Simple Daily Habits to Change Your Life

10 Simple Daily Habits to Change Your Life

New York Times bestselling author, John C. Maxwell, once said that:

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” 

And while making big changes like moving across the country or getting a new job can alter your life in some ways, it’s really the simple things you do every day that add up to the most impact.

Once you understand how powerful your daily habits are, you can structure your routine in a positive and life-changing way. Through consistency and effort over time, you’ll find that practicing daily habits has an immense impact. Here are a few simple habits you can incorporate into your day to truly change your life for the better:

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