4 Strategies To Accelerate Your Personal Growth By 200%

4 Strategies To Accelerate Your Personal Growth By 200%

Every day we encounter situations that offer us the chance to make decisions, create solutions, and find new ways of doing things. Every new challenge gives us the opportunity to learn and grow.

Learning techniques that lead to personal growth can put you on the fast track to where you want to be. But just what is personal growth? And where do you start? Well, personal growth is a process of developing yourself, and the skills, behaviors, and characteristics that help you to become the best version of yourself.

Self improvement is an ongoing process that, for most people, will last a lifetime. There’s always something new to learn and opportunities to advance yourself to the next level. One thing in life that is always constant is change. And change is the catalyst that propels you down the road of personal growth. The question is, how fast do you want to go?

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7 Habits Of Unsuccessful People You Don’t Want To Copy

7 Habits Of Unsuccessful People You Don’t Want To Copy

What is success and how do you achieve it? Perhaps one of humanity’s most deep-rooted searches, ‘success’ is the ultimate power card available to each of us. In the search for true self-pride, we humans will push our minds and bodies to their limits. Perhaps that’s why you’re here.

To be successful, you must surely focus on what to do, right? Knowing what to avoid can be just as, if not more helpful. If you don’t know the habits of a typical unsuccessful person, then seeds of unwanted behaviours may grow without you realising. Cutting them out at the root before they’ve had a chance to prosper is a good start.

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How a Serious Stress-Reduction Strategy Can Improve Your Life

How a Serious Stress-Reduction Strategy Can Improve Your Life

Stress is a major contributor to illness. It’s also a part of daily life. Between work, family, health, and everything else we deal with on a regular basis, it’s pretty hard to avoid stress altogether. But reducing the amount of stress we allow into our lives can make a big difference in our health and outlook.

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The Life-Changing Power of a Daily Walking Habit

The Life-Changing Power of a Daily Walking Habit

Go to any city or town anywhere in the world and you’ll find people walking around. Only you know where you’re going, but do you know what’s happening to your body and mind when you walk around? Chances are you don’t, at least not to the fullest extent.

Of course, there’s a difference between walking to a destination and just going for a daily walk. You’re more likely to feel the benefits if you’re not looking at a watch every two minutes. Even so, the physical and mental advantages are there.

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How to Not Procrastinate Under Pressure

How to Not Procrastinate Under Pressure

Do you ever find yourself stuck when under pressure and can’t seem to get going? Many people do. It can be difficult to concentrate on tasks when external or internal pressures create brain fog that affects your ability to do your best work.

When distractions are causing pressure that makes you feel immobilized and unable to move forward, there are ways to get around it. Let’s start by taking a look at what makes us feel pressured and why it stops us in our tracks.

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5 Tips to Break Your Addiction To Negative Thinking

5 Tips to Break Your Addiction To Negative Thinking

According to Dr. Fred Luskin at Stanford University, people generally have over 60,000 thoughts in a day, most of which are repetitive. We often hear the reminder to “think positive!” and be “mindful” of what we’re thinking. Still, it’s easy to get caught up in negativity, worry, or doubt, and spiral into the repetition of those not-so-positive thoughts.

Negative thinking can take hold of us for many reasons. Critical self-talk, being judgemental, or feeling fearful are just a few examples. If you ask most people, they would prefer to be happy, peaceful, safe and positive. But sometimes it’s not that simple. So let’s take a look at how we started thinking this way in the first place.

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Do You Struggle With Focus Practice These 3 Easy Habits

Do You Struggle With Focus? Practice These 3 Easy Habits

Scroll on Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson’s Instagram and you’ll inevitably find a video of him lifting weights shouting “FOCUS” at someone offscreen. However, it might not be as simple as that for some. If you’re one of those people, fear not. You aren’t alone by any stretch of the imagination.

Obtaining focus can often feel like an uphill battle, especially in the present world. Think about the ding your phone makes when you get a text. it’s designed to acquire your immediate attention; to stop everything you’re doing and focus on this notification. With your focus dragged down to the small screen in your hand, the major social networking apps lick their proverbial lips, relishing the opportunity to consume their product and collect your data.

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7 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year

7 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year

For many people, every New Year comes with the New Year’s Resolution. These usually take the shape of fairly life-changing goals, such as finding a new job or finally getting ripped for the summer.

However, such a mindset is destined for failure.

Sure, it’s a good idea to have overarching goals. They provide a sense of focus and a general direction to head towards. But it isn’t sustainable. Think about it, if you woke up every day telling yourself “I need to find a job”, the enormity of it all will weigh heavy. You can’t just find the perfect role with the click of your fingers. If anything, a constant reminder of your overarching goal will weigh you down.

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How To Perform Above Average

How To Perform Above Average

Have you heard the saying, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well”? This quote has been echoed through the ages to encourage good works and competence. Doing your best is always a good way to tackle anything you want to accomplish. 

The average person is usually trying to do the best they can. We feel better about ourselves, reach more goals, and become more successful when we do a good job. 

But what if you wanted to become more than average? What if you wanted to excel to greater heights in your relationships and workplace? What would it take to be a cut above? What would you need to do to perform above average? 

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Where To Start When You’ve Procrastinated On Your Goals For Too Long

Where To Start When You’ve Procrastinated On Your Goals For Too Long

Most people have goals. Personal goals, professional goals, fitness goals, and many other types of goals. Some are short term and are achieved quickly and easily. Others may take much longer. Some goals may literally take a lifetime.

We generally have goals over the course of a day or week. And can check them off our lists with little difficulty. But what about the bigger goals? Or goals we don’t really want to do in the first place? What if we have goals set for us by our boss or other obligations that we need to accomplish but just can’t seem to get to? And now it’s overdue. Time is running out and we haven’t even started. What then?

What if you’ve procrastinated too long on your goals and now you don’t even know where to start?

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