How to Tap into the Hidden Potential of Your Brain

How to Tap into the Hidden Potential of Your Brain

Have you heard the notion that humans use only 10% of their brains? It’s a common theory, but actually it isn’t really true! The average human brain is full and actively engaged with all of its parts. However that doesn’t mean it’s unable to do more!

By creatively adapting new pathways through skills, knowledge and experiences, you may find hidden potential you never knew existed. But how do you do that?

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Trick Yourself Into Doing Anything (How-To Guide)

Trick Yourself Into Doing Anything (How-To Guide)

Sometimes we all need a little help to get things done.

There’s all kinds of reasons we can think of to not do something.

Maybe you’ve felt that way yourself.

But by using a few new ideas that can trick you into looking at your tasks a little differently, you just might find a way to make it easier.

So, how do you trick yourself into doing something?

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9 Life Hacks That Will Motivate You To Achieve Your Goals

9 Life Hacks to Help Motivate You to Achieve Your Goals

Finding the motivation to work towards your goals can sometimes feel like pulling teeth. Your body and emotional state reject every attempt from your mind to get you to feel excited and energized once again. You know you’ve felt motivated before, and it felt great! So why can’t you feel that way all the time? Why do you have to feel so uninspired?

Luckily, our minds and bodies aren’t static. They change, and depending on what we do, we can cause new emotions to arise. When you’re in a state of demotivation, you can actually hack your body to start feeling motivated again with some simple tricks. Using these hacks, you’ll be able to change your emotions at will and re-harness that excited, inspired energy.

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How to Get Out of a Rut

How to Get Out of a Rut

So, you’re in a rut.

The dishes have piled up. Your work lays unfinished in a pile on your desk. You haven’t been to the gym in days or even weeks. You spend your time watching tv, or TikTok, or playing video games all day. Somehow, you’ve managed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed every morning. You lack energy, motivation. You can’t even remember why you used to be so productive in the first place.

What’s worse, the thought of picking yourself up by the bootstraps and getting back on top of things fills you with dread. You don’t want to clean your room. Lying on the couch all day is a much more enjoyable pastime. Catching up on work sounds like a huge burden. And the further you slide into this rut, the harder it is to come back out of it.

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How to Keep Going (Even When You Don’t See Any Results)

How to Keep Going (Even When You Don’t See Any Results)

Have you ever had a goal that no matter how hard you worked or how many hours you dedicated or how many affirmations you chanted, just didn’t seem to make any progress? Despite all your best effort, it felt like you were running on a treadmill — working hard but not going anywhere. 

When I decided to take my career to the next level and become a freelancer, I encountered this problem. Even though I was putting in countless hours every week, I just wasn’t getting any clients. At the time, I didn’t even know the first thing about business or marketing or how to sell my services. The only thing I actually knew how to do was the service I was trying to get clients for.

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How to Make Yourself Study When You Don't Have Any Motivation

How to Make Yourself Study When You Don’t Have Any Motivation

There’s probably nothing more frustrating than knowing an exam is on the horizon, knowing you need to study for it, and completely lacking any motivation to actually sit down and get started.

Studying is one of those things that’s easy to lose motivation for. It can seem overwhelming, impossible, and never-ending. “Studying” as an idea is so amorphous it easily causes panic, fear, and even total shut down. 

But regaining motivation for studying isn’t impossible. And there are several ways to make sure your studying is stress-free, structured, manageable, and even fun. Let’s break some of them down:

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